How do I turn Blind Spot Warning on and off in my Nissan Rogue?

By Product Expert | Posted in Service & Sales, Tips & Tricks on Friday, April 1st, 2016 at 4:59 pm

“Beep, beep!”  No doubt, Blind Spot Warning systems are one of the greatest safety innovations available in new Nissan vehicles. One of the more frustrating things on the road is having the vehicle next to you drive directly in your blind spot. Depending on your height and the structure of the pillars inside your vehicle, turning your neck and checking your mirrors sometimes still isn’t enough if that incognito car remains directly in your blind spot.

Nissan’s BSW system is designed to alert drivers of a vehicle’s presence with both a visual and audio cue. Some drivers have found that they strictly prefer the light indicator or would prefer to temporarily turn the system off. Since the question has been raised, “How do I turn Blind Spot Warning on and off in my Nissan Rogue,” Glendale Nissan would like to assist to the best of our blogging ability and provide you with a straightforward answer.

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To save you the time of rifling through the stacks of fast food napkins stashed away in your glove box in search of your Owner’s Manual, we have Blind Spot Warning System page straight from Nissan right here:

blind spot warning system in nissan rogue

We hope this helps, but if you still have any questions, don’t be shy and drop us a comment down below. Our service team will be able to provide you with feedback. For other Nissan service related questions, advice, and how-to tips, just follow the link to learn more!

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