Top ways to avoid automotive collisions

By Product Expert | Posted in FAQs, Tips & Tricks on Friday, March 17th, 2017 at 3:43 pm
Top five most common causes of car accidents

Top five most common causes of car accidents

We often hear the term “car accidents” floating around, but many times collisions are avoidable if drivers are paying attention and being careful. Weather is one instance where you can’t always stay in control of your car, but it’s not necessarily the culprit in many instances. Today we’re looking at the top five most common causes for car accidents and how you can avoid collisions to keep you, your family and your vehicle safe.

What are the most common causes of automobile accidents?

We’ll start by saying that none of these causes for accidents are going to be unfamiliar to you. We see instances of people performing poor driving behaviors every day and avoid near-collisions more frequently that we care to think about. Though not shocking, it’s important to consider the order in which these top five bad driving practices come in. You’ll note that most of these things can be avoided!

  1. Distracted driving. Of all the things that can cause an accident, the reality is that distracted driving is the top reason for car accidents. It’s easy to lose focus when you’re changing radio stations, trying to mitigate fights in the backseat, eating, text and talking on the phone. There are plenty of things to distract us, but it’s important to not be complacent behind the wheel and remember you’re operating a two-ton machine.Car Accident Causes
  2. Speeding and reckless driving. This one is likely the least surprising for those of us who have had someone right on the tail of our car. Driving at higher speeds causes more damage when you get in a collision and you have less reaction time when your hurtling down the highway and something unexpected happens. Speeding may also be an indication of impatience, which can also lead to poor decision-making. The reality is, you’re unlikely to cut off more than a few minutes off your commute by driving faster, so it’s smarter and safer to take it easy.
  3. Drunk driving. You’d think people would learn, with so many instances of drunk driving ruining lives. Unfortunately, it can be hard to tell when you’ve stepped over the line. It’s always best to find a designation driver if you plan on drinking, or avoid drinking when you know you’ll be responsible for getting behind the wheel. It’s just not worth the buzz when you can hurt yourself and others.
  4. Rain/Snow. The only weather-related cause to hit the top five causes for accidents. There’s not much you can do to prevent the weather, but you can keep in mind that it’s important to be extra cautious when the weather is bad. You should avoid speeding, reckless and distracted driving when the sun is shining, but you should be extra light on the pedal and stay focused in case you hit a slippery spot or start hydroplaning.
  5. Running red lights or stop signs. Intersections are a prime area where car accidents occur for a reason. When you’re riding down the highway, all vehicles are going in the same direction, but stop signs and stop lights present a location where traffic is driving in different directions, and when you run a stop light you’re likely to get into a side-impact collision. Nobody wants to get t-boned, and it’s especially dangerous for the driver that is going to hit you. Pay attention to lights and stop when you’re meant to.

Read FAQs: What’s a zipper merge?

It’s in everyone’s best interest to maintain the rules of the road and keep in mind that most collisions are entirely avoidable. Is there one practice you think is a particular culprit? Share your thoughts with a comment, and be sure to check back here at the Glendale Nissan Blog for more automotive tips and tricks.

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