Upper level trims vs luxury badge vehicles

By Product Expert | Posted in Tips & Tricks on Friday, July 29th, 2016 at 2:03 pm
front view of the 2016 nissan maxima in white

Advantages of buying a high end Nissan trim model

The price you pay for a luxury vehicle has a lot to do with the badging on the vehicle and of course the features and premium quality of the vehicle as well. But when you think about the quality of some clothing at typical department stores compared to something that has the LaCoste gator on it, the Under Armour X, or Ralph Lauren polo player on it; for the most part the quality is the same, but the price tag certainly isn’t.

There are a number of huge advantages to buying a high end Nissan trim model over a luxury brand name.

2016 nissan maxima in redNissan SL and SV trims

Depending on which Nissan vehicle you are considering, there may be a choice in engines offered. If so, the size of the engine will correlate with the trim name. For example, you may see a 2.5 SL Nissan Altima as well as a 3.5 SL Nissan Altima. The first is powered by a 2.5L 4-cylinder while the latter takes up a 3.5L V6 engine.

The benefit to bumping up a higher trim level over a base model luxury vehicle is that you still are purchasing a quality vehicle; getting the top safety ratings and design that you would expect as well as a whole slew of features and accessories.

Base level luxury vehicles typically are stocked with a variety of thrills and frills, but something like the Altima 3.5SL or Maxima SR more than likely is still going to be noticeably cheaper and come with all of the same features. Although the vehicle may not be quite as powerful, it’s still going to be one of the top performers in its class and is probably going to be quite a bit more efficient than a luxury contender.

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One of the greatest advantages to buying a popular vehicle brand like Nissan, is that when parts do begin to wear out over time, or in the event that you are in an accident and need service, parts are going to inexpensive and attainable.

A number of service departments aren’t equipped to work on a top-tier luxury vehicle or would have order the parts while your vehicle sits and waits. Because these parts aren’t in high demand, they won’t be readily stocked.

2016 nissan altima sl featuresInsurance Rates on a Nissan Vehicle

Compared to a souped up sports car or a high end luxury vehicle, a Nissan is going to be a lot easier and cheaper to insure. Because it’s not one of the luxury badge bearing names and because it’s not ranked as a performance/luxury vehicle, you’ll be paying what’s expected of a commuter car or family sedan.

For further information on a specific Nissan vehicle and trim model, feel free to contact us below or give one of our sales professionals a call. We look look forward to being of assistance here at Glendale Nissan!

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